Agata Polejowska

Agata Polejowska

PhD Candidate

Research Interests

Artificial Intelligence Gut Microbiome Gut-Brain Interplay Computational Pathology


Agata Polejowska is working within the HEREDITARY (HetERogeneous sEmantic Data integratIon for the guT-bRain interplaY) EU-funded project under the supervision of Francesco Ciompi and Annemarie Boleij. She is involved in developing and validating multimodal artificial intelligence models for gut-brain interplay discovery using data from digital pathology, brain imaging and metagenomics. In October 2023, she graduated from Gdansk University of Technology in Poland obtaining her Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering. During her studies she also worked in industry as a Software Engineer and Python Developer.

Current Projects